Qiao Zhuhui, research fellow, Ph. D. SupervisorStudy and work experience: 2012.3- China Science Institute of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, researcher 2009.11-2012.2 Fraunhofer, Insitute for Ceramic Technology and Germany System Germany Institute of Materials; Ephesians Fraunhofer and Beam Technology, 2009.7-2009.10 Changchun Humboldt, Research Institute of Applied Chemistry China, assistant researcher from September 2004 to June 2009, Changchun Research Institute of Applied Chemistry China, Ph.D. from September 2000 to July 2004, Qiingdao University, received a bachelor's degree at present a total of SCI papers published more than 40 papers. Apply for 12 national patents. Research interests: research and preparation of high temperature materials; research on superhard materials and protective materials; advanced coating technology; self lubrication and Tribology; preparation and corrosion protection of light alloys.