1. Peiwei Gong, Zhaofeng Wang, Zhangpeng Li, Yongjuan Mi, Jinfeng Sun, Lengyuan Niu, Honggang Wang, Jinqing Wang, and Shengrong Yang, Photochemical synthesis of fluorinated graphene via a simultaneous fluorination and reduction route, RSC Advances, 2013, 3(18): 6327-6330
2. Lengyuan Niu, Zhangpeng Li, Ye Xu, Jinfeng Sun, Wei Hong, Xiaohong Liu, Jinqing Wang, Shengrong Yang, Simple synthesis of amorphous NiWO4 nanostructure and its application as a novel cathode material for asymmetric supercapacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5:8044-8052.
3. Zengjie Fan, Bin Liu, Xiaohong Liu, Zhangpeng Li, Honggang Wang, Shengrong Yang, and Jinqing Wang, A flexible and disposable hybrid electrode based on Cu nanowires modified graphene transparent electrode for non-enzymatic glucose sensor, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 109: 602-608.
4. Zengjie Fan, Jinqing Wang, Zhaofeng Wang, Haiqiong Ran, Yang Li, Lengyuan Niu, Peiwei Gong, Bin Liu, Shengrong Yang, One-pot synthesis of graphene/hydroxyapatite nanorod composite for tissue engineering, CARBON, 2014, 66, 407 – 416.
5. Jinfeng Sun, Zhangpeng Li, Jinqing Wang, Zhaofeng Wang, Lengyuan Niu, Peiwei Gong, Xiaohong Liu, Honggang Wang, and Shengrong Yang*, Solvothermal synthesis of Ni(HCO3)2/graphene composites toward supercapacitors and its faradiac redox mechanism in KOH solution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 581: 217-222.
6. Lengyuan Niu, Zhangpeng Li, Wei Hong, Jinfeng Sun, Zhaofeng Wang, Limin Ma, Jinqing Wang and Shengrong Yang, Pyrolytic Synthesis of Boron-Doped Graphene and Its Application as Electrode Material for Supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta,2013, 108, 666-673.
7. Zhangpeng Li, Jinqing Wang, Lengyuan Niu, Jinfeng Sun, Peiwei Gong, Wei Hong, Limin Ma, and Shengrong Yang, Rapid synthesis of graphene/cobalt hydroxide composite with enhanced electrochemical performance for supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources 2014, 245, 224-231.
8. Zengjie Fan, Jinqing Wang, Zhaofeng Wang, Zhangpeng Li, Yinong Qiu, Honggang Wang, Ye Xu, Lengyuan Niu, Piwei Gong, and Shengrong Yang, Casein Phosphopeptide-Biofunctionalized Graphene Biocomposite for Hydroxyapatite Biomimetic Mineralization, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(20): 10375-10382.
9. Lengyuan Niu, Zhangpeng Li, Jinfeng Sun, Zengjie Fan, Ye Xu, Peiwei Gong, Shengrong Yang, Jinqing Wang, Hydrothermal synthesis of Ni@C core–shell composites with high capacitance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 575: 152-157.
10. Qingzong Si, Xiaoli An, Yang Li, Bin Liu, Wang Jinqing, Cytocompatibility Comparative Study of Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Alloy Treated with two Chemical Routes, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 658, 61-66.
11. 安晓莉,安应飞,邱宜农,刘斌,王金清,乳、恒牙釉质及本质体外摩擦行为的对比研究,摩擦学学报,2013, 33(1): 1-5.
12. Fengzhen Liu, Xin Shao, Jinqing Wang, Shengrong Yang, Huaiyong Li, Xianhua Meng, Xuehua Liu, Min Wang, Solvothermal synthesis of graphene–CdS nanocomposites for highly ef?cient visible-light photocatalyst, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 551: 327-332.
13. Fengzhen Liu, Xin Shao, Jinqing Wang, Shengrong Yang, Xianhua Meng, Xuehua Liu, Min Wang, Ethylene glycol assisted hydrothermal synthesis of graphene sheets supporting CdS nanospheres for quenched photoluminescence, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2013, 16(2): 429-434.
14. Fengzhen Liu, Xin Shao, Huaiyong Li, Min Wang, Shengrong Yang, Facile fabrication of Bi2S3–ZnS nanohybrids on grap with enhanced electrochemical performances, Materials Letters, 2013, 108, 125–12.