学术报告:Pathological biomineralization: morphological, structural and crystal-chemical characterization of cardiovascular deposits

  报告题目:Pathological biomineralization: morphological, structural and crystal-chemical characterization of cardiovascular deposits. 

  报告人:Sergei Danilchenko 

  报告时间:20131212日星期四 15:00 



  Sergei Danilchenko, Senior scientist, PhD, Acting head of department of Biophysics, Institute for applied physics (IAP) NAS of Ukraine. 


  1. 1976-1982, Kharkov State Polytechnic University (Soviet Union), department of Physical-Technical, speciality: “Physics of metals” 

  2. 1985-1989, Post-graduate course in Kharkov State Polytechnic University, on speciality "Physics of metals as the branch of Solid State Physics". 

  Research Interests: 

  Structure, microstructure and crystal imperfections of bone mineral. 

  Morphology and ultrastructural organization of bone apatite and pathological biomineral’s crystals. 

  Functional role of structural imperfections in biological apatite. 

  Biomaterials with bone-like structure (e.g. chitosan-apatite composites). 

