
  时间:2017816(星期三)   上午1000-1200 


  报告一:Diamond Coatings and Applications by Hot-filament CVD Techniques 

  报告二:Roll-to-Roll coating technologies for carbon films 

  报告人:Kwang Ho KimGunhwan Lee 


Prof. Dr. Kwang Ho Kim received his Bachelor degree in 1980 from the Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering of Seoul National University. After his BSc, he completed M.S. and Ph.D in 1982 and 1986, respectively from Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Engineering of Pusan National University and Director of Global Frontier R&D Center for Hybrid Interface-based Future Materials granted by Korea government since 2014. He is also taking charge of National Core Research Center for Hybrid Materials Solution since the year of 2006. He conducted as a president in Korea Institute of Surface Engineering Society in 2009-2010 and as a vice-president in Korea Ceramic Society in 2011, 2014. He successfully organized International Conference, HyMaP 2008, 2011, 2014 as Chairman and is expected to organize HyMaP 2017.  

