7月18日:Friction experiments with single molecules, polymeric wires and nanoribbons




  Friction experiments with single molecules, polymeric wires and nanoribbons  


  Prof. Dr. Ernst Meyer, University of Basel, Switzerland


  Ernst Meyer is Professor at the University of Basel. In 1990, he received his PhD in Physics from the University of Basel for his thesis “Force microscopy on ionic crystals and layered materials”. In 1993, he received the award of the Swiss Physical Society. From 1992 to 1994 he performed postdoctoral work at the IBM Research labs in Zurich on the topic of "Microcalorimetry with pJ-Sensitivity". 1995, he became CTI project leader of the Swiss Tribology Laboratory Association. In 1997, he became associate professor at the Departement of Physics of the University of Basel. 2001-2013, he was module leader of the National Competence Center on Nanoscience. 2002, he became chairperson of the European Science Foundation programme NATRIBO on the subject of Nanotribology. 2008, he acted as co-founder and steering committee member of the ESF-programma FANAS (Friction and Adhesion of Nanosystems). 2009, he became full processor at the University of Basel. Since 2013, he is in the management committee of the COST Action “MP1303, Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction”. 2010-2012, he acted as physics department head. He co-organized a number of international conferences and workshops, such as the ICN&T 2006, SXM-3, NC-AFM conference and MRS symposia, He was visiting scientist at a number of research institutions, such as Tokyo Institute of Technology, IBM Research Labs Almaden, IMRE Singapore and University of Washington. He is member of the management of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI). He is member of Swiss Physical Society and American Physical Society, Associate Editor of the Journals Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (BJNANO) and Tribology Letters. He has published more than 200 publications in scientific journals with more than 5000 citations. ISI Web of Science: 40 citations per paper and H-index of 50. More than 100 invited lectures at conferences and invitations to seminars and colloquia, supervisor of more than 20 PhD theses. His main research interests are the development of novel sensors based upon mechanical detection, scanning probe microscopy instrumentation and nanomechanics with emphasis on nanotribology.
