



报告题目Our strategic approach to increasing selectivity

报告人:Professor Hirotaka Ihara

报告人简介:Professor Hirotaka Ihara (伊原 博隆) has been awarded the title of Professor Emeritus at both Kumamoto University (2019) and the Okinawa College,National Institute of Technology (2022),and currently serves as a specially appointed professor at Kumamoto University. He served as Vice President for International Affairs at Kumamoto University (2014-2016) and President of Okinawa College,National College of Technology (2020-2022). He is also Fellow members of RSC (UK) since 2003 and the Society of Polymer Science (Japan) since 2015. His main research areas are self-assembling chemistry,nanostructure chemistry and functional polymers. Other definitions of his research areas include molecular technology,particle technology and separation technology. Current research interests include nano- to micro-sized functional materials,supramolecular gels,π-conjugated carbon-like substances,organic-inorganic hybrid materials,and bio-inspired materials. His h-index is 50,and published approximately 450 papers.


报告题目:Hybrid polymer microspheres with unique surface morphologies

报告人:Professor Makoto Takafuji 

报告人简介:Professor Makoto Takafuji (高藤誠) is currently the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Kumamoto University (2024) and serves as the group leader of the Supramolecule Chemistry Group within the Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University since 2019. Prior to this, he served as an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University (2006-2019), and previously held positions at various institutions, including the University of Alberta (2002) and the National Institute of Technology, Kurume College (2000-2001). He is also a member of several professional associations, such as the Society of Fiber Science and Technology of Japan and the American Chemical Society. His main research areas include organic-inorganic hybrid materials,supramolecular assemblies,functional microspheres (core-shell and hollow),hybrid hydrogels with unique crosslinking systems,chiral molecular gels,optically active polymer composite films,ionic polymer-functionalized porous silica for HPLC stationary phases,and polymer-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. His h-index is 48,and published over 380 papers.
