周峰研究员(第一完成人)、王道爱研究员(第三完成人)参与主持的“工程材料表面的润湿及其调控”获得2015年度国家自然科学二等奖。 |
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- 刘艳花博士获得中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助。 2017-05-10
- 刘维民院士获得摩擦学最高成就奖。 2017-04-26
- 周峰研究员在第十三届全国摩擦学大会做大会主旨报告,王道爱、蔡美荣做分会邀请报告。 2016-04-26
- 课题组周峰研究员荣获首届中国优秀青年科技人才奖。 2016-06-02
- 王道爱研究员获得2015年度“温诗铸枫叶奖--优秀青年学者奖”。 2016-01-18
- 课题组周峰研究员(第一完成人)、王道爱研究员(第三完成人)参与主持的“工程材料表面的润湿及其调控”获得2015年度国家自然科学二等奖。 2016-01-08
- 吴杨博士等完成的“Biomimicking yet beyond Fish Skin: Multiply Regulating Friction with Responsive Hydrogels, Yang Wu, Xiaowei Pei, Xiaolong Wang*, Yongmin Liang, Weimin Liu, Feng Zhou*, NPG Asia Materials (2014) 6, e136.”获得摩擦学分会最佳论文奖。
- Prof. Feng Zhou was granted the "Outstanding Youth Award" in recognition of valuable contributions in the field of bionic engineering by the International Society of Bionic Engineering.
- Junfeng Yan et al.'s paper "Controlled polymer brush growth from ultrasmall volumes using sacrificial anode Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization" was accepted by Angewandte.
- Our paper "Extreme wettability and tunable adhesion: biomimicking beyond nature? "[Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 2070-2086.] ranked No. 1 of the most down-loaded articles of Soft Matter in 2012.
- Li Bin et al.'s paper "Electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymerization on nonconducting substrates: controlled brush growth through catalyst diffusion” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Xinjie Liu et al.'s paper "Extreme wettability and tunable adhesion: biomimicking beyond nature? " was amongst the top 10 accessed articles from the online version of Soft Matter in September .
- Oct. 24, 2012. Prof. Taolei Sun from Wu Han University of technology, China; Dr. Haeshin Lee from Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology, Korea, Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, vistited LICP and our group.
- July 24, 2012. Prof. Xiaoxia Zhu from Montreal University (Canada) vistited LICP and our group.
- Feb. 2012 - paper "Electrochemically Induced Surface-Initiated Atom-Transfer Radical Polymerizationpaper " was accepted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201201533
- Our invited review "Extreme wettability and tunable adhesion:bimimicking beyond nature?" was "The top ten most read article" in Decemeber,2011 and January,2012." Soft.Mater. 2012, 8, 2070-2086.
- Our invited review "TiO2 nanotubes: structure optimization for solar cells" was the “Top Ten most-read Journal of Materials Chemistry articles in August” J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 9406-9418.
- Our invited review “Bioinspired catecholic chemistry for surface modification" was accepted to Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011,40, 4244-4258.
- Work published on Chem. Commun.(Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 2324–2326) was highlighted by Nature Asia-pacific.
- Prof.Yi Li and Prof. Jacob Klein from Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited us.
- 2010.10.16. Prof. Vladmir Tsukruk visited LICP.
- Dr. Maciej Psarski from Lodz University visited our group.
- 2010.10.16. Prof.Vladmir Tsukruk visited LICP.
- Our invited review “Ionic liquids lubricants: designed chemistry for engineering applications" was accepted to Chem. Soc. Rev. 2009,38, 2590-2599.
- Work on Superoleophobic materials has been published on Chem. Comm. (2009, 1043) and highlighted in Chemical Technology:http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/ChemTech/Volume/2009/04/nanowire_forests.asp.
- 2009.06.16 Prof. Reuben from Heriot-Watt University visited LICP.
- 2009.06.16 Prof. Liu Dongsheng was invited to visit LICP.